farting banana bits...
oh for parshnips and brusslesprouts sake!! i don't know where to begin! so much bull cucka has gone on in the past week, its enough to make me want to vomit!! (and that's the nice way of saying it!!) i don't have the time nor the energy to go into any kind of detail, but it does involve the house, my job, and my big freaking hair!!! (but when does it not involve my hair?!?!?!?) on a lighter note, my child is doing great in school, and is much more advanced than her grade level!!! and thats great news! i needed some of that good news ya know!?!?!?! but then of course it makes me think of the new school district i want her to be in, and will we ever get to move there??? for her sake, i hope so!! its kinda like hogwarts and the saulting hat....she could do so well in slitheran, but so much better in griffendor!!! i wish i could wear hats....so, that's all for now! sorry no pic, no time! and i didn't have a pic of me going crazy, so no other would have fit! hope your friday is a good one, and i hope you people are reading this shit, cause so for i have like a big fat ZERO for my comments!!