picture perfect
so, its hard to believe that in just a week i should be living in here...right now it actually looks a lot different than this picture...the walls are painted and the stove is actually in the kitchen. the floor is being installed by my wonderful husband and my dad who both have been working thier asses off day in and day out to get this house ready for us to move into! its so sureal to me that this is going to be where i hang my hat, and take my shits! (lol) i went to 'Sparkle market' the other day and when i walked in i felt 15 again, since i think thats how old i was the last time i was in there. i was there for '20 mule team borax' which at first i thought was a movie, but then my husband had to explain that is was some kind of laundry soap...anyway i went right to the isle it was in with out even thinking...do you know that store is set up just the same as it was over 10 years ago! i think its the only grocerie store with in 20 miles who hasn't remodeled!! maybe living in my old town won't be as wierd as i thought it would be. i went into 'Brother's Pizza' to get my favorite sub, and the owner remembered me! he even remembered my name with out me having to tell him! then i went to 'Dairy Queen' and it looked the same in there too...still some high school kids working there. i don't know what i was going to expect moving back to little old C-town...but now that its coming down to it, and i have been spending a lot more time there, i'm starting to get a bit nervous. i'm sure it will be just fine--once i get used to it. so, happy friday to all, and congrats to shanny bo banny!!!! i miss my little tar tar and can't wait to see her, and i miss florida with all my heart and wish for nothing more than ohio to have some wierd global thing and a beach pop up in my back yard...but i'm sure i have a better chance of my hair going straight and my ass deflating before a beach magically appears in my back yard! speaking of back yard...still no sign of keystone. my dad said keystone the other day (reffereing to our cabinet refacing supplier) and my heart sank...i thought he had come back! but he didn't....ta ta for now! see you on the flip side. maybe the next time you hear from me i'll be living in c-town with a big blue L sticker on the back of my big white WAN!fro
Look'n good.
Hey moma. I know that it has been a ongoing struggle for you but it will get easier you know that. And if SOME people don't think about lifting a finger to help you they are not worth having help from. Keep the bitter pees in the back field!
Be strong and I love you and yours very much!!
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