the wonderful world of dreaming

have you ever wondered what the hell dreams really are? i know they have done studies and reasearch and all that jazz, but honestly...where does this shit come from? i had the wierdest dream last night....and the more i think about it-- it wasn't very wired (i've had some seriously wierd ones) it was pretty normal. things i want, things i wish would be great to make a wrong turn in cleveland and magically end up 10 min away from tar tar's house!(in florida) the one really weird part of last nights dream was a man walking his brother on a leash. his brother was wearing a gorilla mask and walking on all, it very well could have been his cousin, but i just thought it was his brother! also, my daughter was swimming, and my mom was watching, then my mom was carrying my daughter and she turned into a baby of about 1 year old, and my mom kinda threw her in the water and my daughter started swimming! the other part of my dream was a bit more complicated. it involed a memorial service, tar tar being 7 months prego and having a super short (but cool) hair cut. i was 4 months prego in the dream (which isn't far off since i'll be entereing my 4th month of pregnancy on monday) i remember thinking to my self in my dream that tar tar was 3 months further along than i was, and that meant that her baby would be 3 months older than mine, and then thinking that tar tar is 3 months older than me! and i got very excited in my dream thinking that our children would be just like us! so, things i want, and things i wish for...(except the gorilla mask wearing incident) so i guess that's all for now! happy thursday and make the best of your day. even if it involves a job you hate, or a class you can't figure out why you took, or making a decision about something that doesn't seem appealing at first, but may be the best thing you can do for yourself... as for me, i think i've decided to get up a little earlier tomarrow so i have time to actually "do" my hair. and for those of you who know my hair, you know what "do" means and entails... ta ta for now my kimo- sappies. happy dreaming!
Dreams are very uncontrolable and can at times be very scary. Last night I had a dream about Mike Coffee, I will have to call you about it later.
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