well, what a lovely picture! this just happens to be one of my favorite tree's in the whole world! it hurts my heart to look at this picture because i know it will be longer than i expect before i get to look at this tree in peron. i remember the very first year we came to florida! those little plant shrub things around the tree were very small, and every time since then that we've been to florida, those things get bigger and bigger!! i can't imagine how big they'll be by the time i see them again! i make it sound like it'll be years and years, when hopefully it will only be just years... well, i don't know...i love florida and that's all i've got to say about that. oh, and i bet chubakka will love it too! speaking of chubakka....she's been acting different lately, and i know its cause her sister is gone. but i don't want to leave her alone for christmas! my mom is having her christmas dinner on 12/23 so that sage can come (since she's with her dad on xmas this year) so i asked my mom if chubakka can come! for those of you who know my mom and frank, you can understand that this would be a very dangerous question to ask. well, as per usual my mom's responses and reply's have been nothing but her norm. she seemed okay with it, but i have to clear it through frank first!!! well, of course frank is on a business trip and won't be back untill two weeks or my mom says "call him" so i did. and to my surprise, he seemed kinda okay with it. at first wanting her to stay in the garage. i explained that we wouldn't even bring her if that were the case cause she would be sad, and wouldn't understand why she'd have to stay out there. so here's my mom to me, "ask him, what about the basement?" i almost crapped my self! is my mom actually pulling for chubakka to come to dinner?? in her very own house no less?? i was shocked. frank on the other end of the line is laughing and saying things like, "oh really? hahaha haha hahaha" so i said, "you don't have to answer me right now, you can think about it and call me back!" so that's where i left it! woulnd't that be some shit?! i think he's gonna say yes! chubakka would love it! (and so would i) tar tar will be here soon, and xmas in only 12 days away counting today!!! holy poop!!
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