the road ahead
would you look at that! i did it folks! kudos for fro!! TGIF to all three of you!! so, i said before that now is a time for change...its a good time to take a look at your current situation in life and make the adjustments that you feel are necessary. again, november is the month of scorpio and scorpio's key word is TRANSFORMATION. so, all the things you don't like, that you've always talked about changing, now is the right time!
for example...i know a little some one who doesn't really like school-but knows that it will pay off big time in the end. even if nothing comes of it after these two long years, at least you finished your goal, and stuck to your guns!!! as far as debt is expensive, but i've come to the realization that the majority of the people on the planet will die with debt and most likely take it with them beyond the grave, just to be re-incarnated into someone else, with loads of debt... speaking of re-incarneated (which i'm not sure if i've spelled correctly) do you believe in it??? i'm not sure where i stand exactly when it comes to that topic. i do however know a certain person who probably has a very good argument about life after death and all that stuff, ALIENS, THE UNIVERSE, STATUES THAT CRY BLOOD....hi shawn!!!! i had a very good and interesting conversation last made me realize a few things about my self that i've forgotten....1. i'm very stubborn (i didn't really forget that, i just chose to ignore it) 2. i can run with the big dogs when it comes to debate (even if i don't really know what i'm talking about) 3. i am a very passionate person. passionate about the things that i truely beleive. i truely believe that when you have a lot of stress, or anger that it wears on your health. i look at my grandmother, who with in the past 3 years has had a stroke, mini ceasures, and breast cancer. not to mention a pocket full of other health conditions that she's had for the majority of her life (thyroid, blood pressure, heart attack...) she is only 82 and doesn't even know who i am! she was such a worry wort when i was growing up. she would freak out at any given moment! "oh my GOD you're gonna fall and crack your head open!!!!" when i think back on all those times when she was freaking out, it usually had something to do with me being the one she was freaking out to! i freak out alot! i have often caught my self screaming to my child..."oh my GOSH- you're gonna fall and crack your head open and bleed all over the place and have to go to the hospital and they are gonna have to give you a shot in your head to numb the area so they can put 20 stitches in your head!! not to mention they'll have to shave your head so they can put the stitches in and you won't be able to wash your hair for like a month!!!!!" all in one breath of course. (i have credible witnesses to such a freak out! you know who you are...) my POINT is, i need to calm down so i don't end up like my grandma. and that people need to be aware of how they react to certain things. be in control of your self! as shawn pointed out to me last night (hi again shawn!) we can only base things off of what we know. i know that if i continue to freak out, there is a good possibility that i'll end up with an early heart attack or stroke...AND my child will grow up to be 10 times worse that me! i don't want that for the future of my children and children's children, and so on and so forth... anyway, the road ahead is full of bumps, pot holes, animals, tree limbs, bumpers in the middle of the road (hi tar tar and shanny) but we have to be prepaird for such things, unexpected things because what we do know is that these things will happen! we just have to be prepaired to deal with them when they come along! its a long journey ahead, and our lifes really have just begun, but we are all here for each other, and will continue to be here for each other as we travel the long road that leads to that big old study hall room in the sky!!! fro
Thanks dude!
I really look up to you!
And about the freaking out thing, don't worry because Sage is growing up to be a great, fun, and very aware of her suroundings. You and Doug are doing a great job!!
See you on the road.
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