light it up!
i went to the dr. yesturday for my regular check up, and everything is good (besides the fact that i gained 5 pounds in a week) but dr. says that's good too, so i'm not worried (okay, i am) but what the dr. said that really caught my attention was that my due date has changed to July 24th! so i guess when they did my ultra sound a few weeks ago the baby's size was a bit bigger than they had thought...that is what changed the due date. then the dr. went on to ask me all these questions about the last period i had..."are you sure it was oct 23rd? you're positive? was it a normal period?"

speaking of grandma is pretty bad off in the hospital, but when i went to see her the other day she tried really hard to talk to me and my aunt cheryl said that she responded to me more than to anyone else! i hope she isn't in pain and suffereing and isn't able to express that to us. but on a lighter note, it is friday and i'm hungry. today i think i'll opt for a salad!