Crab with a spot of Ink

sideways walking two step talking buzz buzz of the tattoo gun gee that's fun

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

pictures? what pictures??

um, there were supposed to be pictures with those last two posts, but is it any surprise that i didn't do it right? anyway-i think that if you really truely set your mind to something that you can do it and will do it! when i say i'm going to go to florida, i do it, and when i say i'm going to get a tattoo, i do it! some people are just talkers, and they like to SAY they are going to do something, but when it comes down to acutally doing it, they puss out. now, i'd like to talk about my vaccuum cord. after i vaccuum my house, or mr. mc mahon-akin's house, or the banana's house, i wrap that cord as tight as i can and make sure that little groove in the plug is snug as a bug to the cord. i do this with out even thinking about it. this is the way its supposed to be. "this is the way we wrap our cord, wrap our cord, wrap our cord...." so when it comes down to other things like, the dishes, or actually using the vaccuum, i'm not so good at it! its not enstilled in my mind that i need to vaccuum every day (and you know i do cause of those silly balls of fur) or that i need to put those dishes away right after they are dry, or put the laundry away for that matter. if i didn't have my wonderful husband who i love with all my breasts, i would probably just live out of a laundry basket!!! the point is, if i set my mind to doing these things just as adamantley as i wrap that vaccuume cord, life will be a bit easier. those things i'll do with out even thinking about also! it really hit me hard this past weekend, when my mother brought my daughter back from a sleep over ay yiayia's house. i said, "you need to clean your room, its a disaster!!" and my daughter replied, " well, you don't clean your room, why should i clean mine?" or something along those lines!!! i need to set a better example for my child. i don't want her to grow up living out of a laundry basket, or the kitchen sink!!! so, all the little things i do that need improved are going down on a list and i'm going to do my very best to fix them all!!! its just easier if you don't have to think about it, you just do it! so, i hope this made sense to all my readers (the 3 of you) and i'm still not going to tell you what the surprise is!! now that is something i'm really good at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you all and miss you all! can't wait to meet up again! fro


At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great attitude..YOU CAN DO IT

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way that was me...


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